About GBMA

The GBMA is the national association representing companies that manufacture, supply and export generic and biosimilar medicines. Members of GBMA ensure all Australians are offered high quality generic and biosimilar medicines, which provide affordable health outcomes that benefit all Australians.

The generic and biosimilar medicines sector plays a significant role in providing cost savings to the Commonwealth Government¹.

GBMA Members:

Provide over 900 Generic and Biosimilar brands available in the Australian market

Represent 80% of the total generic volume on the PBS

Have invested over $200 million of additional inventory and supply infrastructure for PBS medicines, improving access and health security for Australia

Over 5 years, generics and biosimilars saved approximately $1.9 Billion to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in Australia.

IQVIA National audit Aug-2019

Our Members


  1. IQVIA National audit Dec-2023

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