Guiding principles

The guiding principles of the members of GBMA are:

  • To make high quality medicines affordable for all Australians today and for the future
  • To support the long term sustainability of the PBS by ensuring the timely and cost effective provision of generic and biosimilar medicines to consumers.
  • To support the quality use of medicines (QUM) in partnership with other stakeholders.
  • To support the development of policies that facilitate timely access to generic and biosimilar medicines for all Australians.
  • To support the development of policies that promote the continued viability of a local manufacturing base for generic and biosimilar medicines (for domestic and export markets).
  • To encourage a high level of awareness and general knowledge of the safety, efficacy and appropriate interchangeability of generic and biosimilar medicines amongst healthcare professionals, Government and consumers.
  • To support balanced intellectual property rights in the pharmaceutical sector that enable timely, cost-effective access to generic and biosimilar medicines.
  • To enhance the accountability of Members by establishing a complaints handling mechanism that is both readily accessible and transparent.
  • To ensure high standards of conduct by adhering to a strict Code of Practice

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