9 May 2017
GBMA welcomes confirmation in the 2017 Budget of the significant and ongoing Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) savings provided by generic and biosimilar medicines, initiatives to increase the use of affordable medicines, and a two-year extension to the Strategic Agreement between the Commonwealth and GBMA.
The biosimilar uptake drivers, amendments to price disclosure and enhancements to prescribing software announced tonight are the direct outcomes of collaborative discussions between GBMA and the Government through the Generic Medicines Working Group (GMWG).
“Collaboration through the GMWG has led to the development of important measures announced tonight to ensure a sustainable PBS, increase patient access to affordable medicines, and support the viability of the industry that supplies them,” GBMA Chair, Allan Tillack said.
“GBMA supports measures to increase biosimilar uptake which are essential in the formation of a functioning and competitive biosimilars market, delivering PBS savings and increasing patient access to these life-changing treatments,”
GBMA welcomes the two-year extension to the 2015 Strategic Agreement as this will enable ongoing, constructive dialogue that will further support a sustainable PBS, as well as provide an extended period of certainty and predictability for the generic and biosimilar medicines sector.
With the shared principles of stewardship of the health system, GBMA thanks the Health Minister, the Hon Greg Hunt, his staff and Department of Health officials for their approach to discussions that have resulted in tonight’s announcement.