17th April 2018
The Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (GBMA), the peak body representing generic and biosimilar medicine suppliers in Australia, has appointed Mr Sylvain Vigneault as the new Chair representing the organisation with immediate effect.
Mr Vigneault, General Manager of Mylan, having served on the GBMA Board for the past 2 years, comes to the position of Chair with a diverse industry knowledge base. With over 25 years dedicated to the pharmaceutical sector, his experience spans 7 countries across a range of commercial facing roles, including board level representation throughout various stages of his career. Mr Vigneault’s broad exposure within both innovator and generic environments, further adds to his extensive understanding of this market and the appreciation of associated challenges faced by multiple stakeholders.
Mr Vigneault is honoured to take on this opportunity and comments “This is a critical time for our association and the broader healthcare sector. It is therefore paramount that the GBMA Board continue in its strong alignment on key issues, whilst it delivers upon the agreed strategic initiatives.”
GBMA’s immediate focus will be to progress negotiations with Government on the proposed cost-recovery mechanisms, whilst taking an active role in the medicines shortages consultation process. Further on the agenda is the realisation of GBMA’s strategic priorities, including INN prescribing and the pending Biosimilar Educational Grant, this combined with the overall value and significant opportunity that biosimilars will bring to the marketplace in coming years.
When it comes to challenges faced across the industry, the GBMA’s consistent approach has been to engage constructively with key stakeholders, and this will continue. The purpose, to ensure it does not see any unintended consequences at any point throughout the supply chain that may adversely impact the ongoing viability of the sector and its member’s ability to provide high quality affordable medicines to patients. The GBMA looks forward to continuing its long history of collaboration to address key issues faced in the healthcare sector.
Mr Sylvain Vigneault assumes the role from outgoing Chair Mr Allan Tillack, who departs the position effective immediately. The GBMA expects to continue the good work of the past few years that saw the development of key industry initiatives and an extension of the GBMA’s strategic agreement with Government established in the May 2017 Federal Budget.
For more information, please contact the GBMA. www.gbma.com.au/about-gbma/contact-us/