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GMiA welcomes the release of the Pharmaceutical Patent Review

21 March 2014.

Members of the generic medicines industry sector welcomes the release by IP Australia of the Pharmaceutical Patent Review.

GMiA supports a well balanced pharmaceutical patent system that adequately addresses the rights of originator and generic pharmaceutical companies.  Patents are effective and necessary tools for promoting innovation. GMiA members are not anti-patent.

However, the current Australian system for pharmaceutical patents is not effectively balancing the objectives of “securing timely access to competitively priced pharmaceuticals, fostering innovation and supporting employment in research and industry[1] as stated in the aim of the Pharmaceutical Patents Review carried out last year.

Some originator pharmaceutical companies are using the patent system to inappropriately delay the supply of generic medicines in Australia.

This imbalance is significantly costing Australia.  Delaying generic medicine entry onto the market means that the Government pays more for longer.  The delay is caused by a combination of strategies employed by originator companies and deficiencies in the Australian legal system.

The Pharmaceutical Patent Review has performed an in-depth review of this issue and the findings of this Panel are welcomed by GMiA.

The publication of the Pharmaceutical Patent Review is an important step in addressing inappropriate delay of the supply of generic medicines in Australia.

The report can be found at


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