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Kate Lynch to step down as CEO of GMiA

21st August 2014.

Kate Lynch has advised the GMiA Board that she will be stepping down as CEO of the GMiA. Since her appointment in 2008 Kate has steered the GMiA through significant changes in medicines policy and overseen the growth of the organisation.

“The GMiA Board thanks Kate for both her commitment and leadership of the organisation and wishes her the best in the future,” said GMiA Chair, Mark Crotty.

During her stewardship at GMiA, Kate has been instrumental in drawing the government’s attention to the role of the generic medicines industry in providing timely access for all Australians to quality, safe, efficacious and affordable medicines. She has also championed the importance of balanced intellectual property that provides both a reward for innovation and access to affordable medicines for all Australians.

Belinda Wood will step into the role of Acting CEO for the remainder of 2014 while the search for a new CEO is conducted. Belinda has been GMiA Policy Director since 2012 and is respected within government and industry for both her strategic and collaborative approach.

Belinda has more than 18 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and has had a strong Canberra presence since 2004. She has shaped medicines policy for the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and as a government/industry liaison and market insight consultant. Belinda holds a BMedSc in Pharmacology and sits on a number of industry committees including the Drug Utilisation Sub Committee (DUSC) and TGA Industry Working Group.

“The GMiA Board will continue to provide strong leadership for the GMiA and the generic medicines sector during this time. The Australian healthcare system has not yet realised the true benefit of generic and biosimilar medicines. We will continue to push for policy outcomes that ensure a viable generics industry in Australia and significant health and economic benefits for the Australian health system,” said Mr Crotty.
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