Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Prioritising patients’ access to affordable medicines is a shared mission of the Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (GBMA) and its newest member, JAMP Pharma Australia.
The newly established Sydney based generic medicines company joins GBMA as a Tier 5 Affiliate member – an entry level membership for manufacturers, industry associations, and patient groups with aligned views.
The GBMA CEO, Ms Marnie Peterson, welcomed JAMP Pharma Australia and said the membership expansion marks a pivotal time for the peak body for affordable medicines.
“Our members are working hard to help Australians mitigate the rising cost of living whilst doing all they can to protect patients from avoidable medicine shortages,” Ms Peterson said.
As part of the GBMA’s five-year Strategic Agreement with the Australian Government, GBMA members have collectively invested over $200 million in additional infrastructure and procurement of stock to create a four to six months buffer of medicines.
Equating to over 52 million additional packets, or 17,000 pallets of vital medicines, Ms Peterson said GBMA was proud of the work undertaken by its members to ensure all Australians could equitably access the medicines they need, regardless of where they live.
JAMP Pharma Australia’s Country Head, Ms Mary Dimitratos, said it was these types of patient-driven policy and sustainability initiatives that attracted her organisation to join the GBMA.
“JAMP Pharma Australia is looking forward to actively working with the GBMA and its stakeholders to reinforce access to affordable medicines of the highest quality, implement measures to improve supply and support initiatives leading to effective policy reforms to benefit all Australians.”
JAMP Pharma Australia is part of the JAMP Pharma International Group. Through its diversified product development pipeline, JAMP Pharma Australia is committed to providing a consistent supply of accessible and affordable high quality generic medicines for patients and consumers.
GBMA members deliver significant savings to the Australian Government, with more than 900 generic and biosimilar brands available in the Australian market, representing 80% of the total generic volume on the PBS
Media inquiries:
Jannette Cotterell
Executive Counsel Australia
0419 204 059
The Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (GBMA) is the peak representative body of generic and biosimilar medicine suppliers in Australia. Its members ensure that all Australians are offered the highest quality generic and biosimilar medicines in the world whilst providing affordable community health outcomes that benefit all Australians.
For more information, please contact the GBMA – or visit
JAMP Pharma Pty Ltd is a newly established Australian company based in Sydney, with plans to launch an exciting pipeline of generic products to the Australian market. It is part of the JAMP Pharma International Group.
[1] IQVIA National audit Dec-2023